In compliance with the guidelines on the processing of personal data, adopted by the Privacy Guarantor with resolution no. 243 of 15 May 2014, users are informed that the personal data contained in the pages of this section are reusable only under the conditions provided for by current legislation on the reuse of public data (EU directive 2003/98/CE and Legislative Decree no. 36/2006), in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and registered, and in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data.
Setting up, cleaning, control:
Electrical systems and maintenance:
Green areas management: Gestione del Verde di Rosa Mentino
Lift maintenance: Martinelli ascensori s.r.l. | Schindler S.p.A.
Check-in assistance and entrance management: Best Union Company S.p.A.
Security management: Integra s.r.l.
Control and maintenance of security doors: Technofire
Fire prevention system assistance and maintenance: Telefonia e sicurezza
Heating systems running and maintenance: B.C.A. di Berardo Andrea, Luca e C. snc
Control and maintenance of emergency groups: Fonas s.r.l.
Maintenance of fire extinguishers, hydrants and boxes: Ciodue Estintori s.r.l.
Anti-intrusion surveillance and management: Mondialpol Service S.P.A.
Smoke evacuators control: Manulux s.r.l.
Telephony and data connection: Fastweb S.p.A.
Mobile phone: Vodafone S.p.a.
Typography: Grafiche Valsecchi s.r.l.
Coordinated image and graphic development: Lariofiere
Bar service, restaurant and catering: Lariofiere
Electric energy: Enerxenia
Natural gas: Enerxenia
Persons interested in collaborating can contact the offices by sending an email to
Lariofiere currently has a sponsorship contract with Banca di Credito Cooperativo – Brianza e Laghi.
The President has the legal representation of the company; convenes and chairs the Assembly and the Board of Directors; arranges and controls the execution of the decisions made; provides what is necessary to implement the management of the company; in case of absence or impediment he is replaced by the Vice President.
The Board of Directors is composed by the President and the Vice-President, in addition to a variable number of Counselors ranging from a minimum of five to a maximum of eleven. It remains in office for three years and can be re-elected.
President: Dadati Fabio
Vice President: Galli Roberto
Counselor: Airoldi Veronica
Counselor: Ciceri Giovanni
Counselor: De Capitani Giulio
President: Litigio Sandro
Statutory Auditor: Milani Leonardo
Statutory Auditor: Nava Cristina
Alternate Statutory Auditor: Intini Tonino
Alternate Statutory Auditor: Papini Maurilio